Team London Bridge is working with sustainability experts Useful Projects and xtonnes to develop a data-driven, commercially-sensible London Bridge Zero Carbon 2030 Strategy.
Local businesses, landlords and building agents have contributed operational and organisational data to the xtonnes software, covering most of this world-renowned business district. This is a unique place-based data collection project that has informed interventions in the business improvement district within our routemap.
At the LFA, we will present the area’s carbon footprint, demonstrate how partners can collectively reduce carbon emissions, propose potential projects and showcase existing best practice locally, working with our Net Zero Champions. Our aim is to foster multi-disciplinary collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing for a greener future.
This exhibition will show large and engaging print-out boards conveying key information about the project and will be an engagement tool to encourage participation and action.
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
Twitter: @teamlondonbdg
Instagram: @atlondonbridge
8 Holyrood Street, London
Exhibition is by appointment only. Use buzzer, Team London Bridge first floor. Wheelchairs will require assistance up a step, but there is a lift inside.