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The WikiHouse hackathon

08 June 2022

9:00 -18:00

Ever heard of WikiHouse? It’s an entirely open-source system that gives any person, community and business the tools to create low-carbon, low-waste buildings. Architects and sustainability specialists from Here East, Hawkins\Brown, and WikiHouse’s creators are coming together to run a one-day hackathon. Join us and let's act to help improve the WikiHouse system and make it even more people and planet friendly.

If you haven't got the skills but are interested in learning more, why not just join for the morning? We'll start with a short talk about Here East and the Wiki-House system, which brings digital design and manufacturing together through one interface to help reduce carbon emissions and waste. We’ll also take you on a tour of the cabins at Here East’s Gantry, designed with WikiHouse by the very people who are using the space.

Please register for the full-day hackathon or the half day-WikiHouse experience on Eventbrite.



If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.


Hawkins\Brown Festival Patron

Twitter: @hawkins_brown
Instagram: @hawkins_brown

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Image: Rory Gardiner


Here East

The Press Centre, Here East, 14 East Bay Lane, London

E20 3BS

020 3861 6840

Please arrive at the Here East Press Centre reception.

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