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Exhibition by CSM’s Architecture Degree Studio 11: ‘Act’ to ‘decolonise climate and socially responsive design’

30 June 2022

17:15 -20:00

The effects of climate change are known to be disproportionately affecting the socio-economically vulnerable communities, living in high risk areas, resulting in climate, spatial inequity. Join us for an exhibition organised in collaboration with the LB Tower Hamlets’ Regeneration team and the CSM’s architecture studio 11. The exhibition will include design and methods of how to ‘Act’ to ‘decolonise climate and socially responsive design’ by CSM studio 11; creating a dialogue between the local communities, local government (representatives of LB Tower Hamlets) and the spatial designers of architectural degree course at CSM studio 11. For connecting, engaging, participating with local marginalised groups to develop tools for “Spatial Activism” and investigating ways architecture can respond to climate and social injustice.

Please book your place through the Eventbrite link below as the venue host requires advance booking.



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IDEA store in Whitechapel

Conference Room with Terrace Space, 1st Floor
The Whitechapel Idea Store,
321 Whitechapel Rd,

E1 1BU

More events from CSM Architecture Studio 11