Becoming an LFA Destination helps position your area as one of the leading architectural and cultural destinations in the capital. Our tried-and-tested model helps you promote your area in a range of new ways. We also help you engage your stakeholders – whether local businesses or the local community.
Our work can help increase footfall, recognition and highlight the architecture and creativity of your area. We work with our LFA Destinations throughout the year to develop a year- round programme of amazing activities and architectural interventions, with a crescendo during the festival in June.
Our work creating your LFA Destination can be tailored to your requirements, however the ideal LFA Destination package brings together three key elements. We can vary the focus of our
work across each element – or indeed swap in or out additional elements
For more information about becoming an LFA Destination, contact Hannah Nottridge
Programme of Events
We work with our LFA Destinations to put a festival spotlight on all the activity organised by you and your stakeholders as part of the festival.
You will have a unique access to our programming and comms teams to advise you when developing your festival programme. You will also receive an enhanced promotion of all the activity in your area and high visibility across all of our festival channels. Activity could include talks, workshops, walks, etc.
Destination Physical Installation
Whether you want a high-profile installation that will gather organic social media coverage or a temporary architectural intervention that will test new ideas in the public realm, or inform your wider place-making strategy, the LFA can help you deliver impressive build projects. Many areas are using small- scale architectural interventions delivered as part of the festival for their wider summer.
LFA Competitions are a tried and tested way of identifying the best emerging architectural talent for your installation, producing a stunning design that will be well received by the local community and the press. You also gain a significant amount of press through the competitions process.
Digital Content
Throughout the pandemic we’ve seen renewed interest in our built environment. Through our Building Sounds programme we’re able to put together an impressive programme of audio and video content to showcase the architectural gems, historic legacy and architectural talent found in your area.
We can work with you to design and deliver a programme of podcasts, short videos and social media to engage the public in the stories found in your area. We can also help create opportunities for your stakeholders to tell their stories via our channels.
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