Why not explore the Royal Docks this Summer with these self-guided activity trails for families, children and curious ramblers? These can be enjoyed safely, at a social distance, any time you’d like! Pick up or download a map and embark on our family trails for adventures through the Royal Docks. Become Wandering Wonderers, completing challenges as you go and discovering brilliant stories, both real and imagined.
‘Seeking the Sleeping Giant’ is good by foot (around 45 minutes) and ‘Ride to the Heart of the Docks’ by bike (around 30 minutes).
Head over to the Royal Docks website to download the trail maps: https://www.royaldocks.london/whats-on/wondering-wanders-in-the-royal-docks
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.