The renowned Finnish architect Sami Rintala and architectural students from the prestigious School of Architecture + Cities at the University of Westminster, in association with the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland, have joined forces to create a one-of-a-kind sauna in central London.
The Finnish Sauna centres on a large-scale build of a fully functional sauna, which through the generous support of Westminster City Council, will be situated in Victoria Embankment Gardens. The design of The Finnish Sauna is inspired by the London tube, the architecture of the sauna is based on the traditional sauna building methods.
As part of the Festival visitors are welcome to watch the students construct the sauna in Victoria Embankment Gardens. The Finnish Sauna will be open to the public from Thursday 30 June until 8 July and members of the public can book a sauna session through the link below.
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
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