Meet with us and discuss your design questions and objectives at one of our free drop-in 20min design sessions in our Bermondsey Street studios.
We are very focussed on the quality of space and how to make the best use of what is available. In inner city London, where market forces prescribe that more must be made of less, well-designed compact living spaces can be made to work better than larger, less affordable layouts where much of the space is wasted through poor design. We often feel that we are at war with the corridor!
We are constantly striving to strip away the superfluous, to arrive at a solution with a tranquil sense of simplicity. Sometimes seemingly restrictive constraints can produce the most creative architecture.
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
1 Bermondsey Exchange
179-181 Bermondsey Street
Buzzer number 1